Showing posts with label steel bicycles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label steel bicycles. Show all posts

Saturday, July 31, 2010

United Bicycle Institute

The United Bicycle Institute offers classes on framebuilding, in particular Brazing Chromoly Frame Building class in either Portland or Ashland, Oregon.

One learns: Frame Geometry, Frame Fit, Frame Design, Tubing Selection, Shop Safety, Tool Selection & Use, Brazing, Equipment Setup, Jig Setup & Use, Tube Mitering, Tube Prep, and Finish Work.

Portland class schedules & Ashland class schedules.

1900 Columbia Bike (or Wheel . . . ) catalog

Columbia and Hartford Bicycles 1900 Bicycle catalog for Pope Manufacturing Company for the year. Interesting how little, in many respects, bicycles have changed.

Columbia Catalog 1900 cover

One thing that has changed is that at that time "chainless" drive was considered to be the new advanced approach (with a drive shaft, rather than chain). The bikes in this catalog with shaft drive cost significantly more, and although it wasn't apparently possible to discern this at the time readily, were less efficient, so perhaps it is not surprising that it never really caught on.

Columbia Catalog 1900

From time to time different companies try to revive "chainless" bikes with shaft drive, but as long as the main power source is the rider, it seems unlikely to catch on. (Perhaps when bikes with powered assist are more common it will do better.)

Wikipedia has a description of chainless bikes that covers the subject pretty well.

Page turner presenting full 1900 catalog of Columbia bikes

The Paterek Manual for Bicycle Framebuilders

Tim Paterek is a retired framebuilder who published a detailed guide to how to build steel bicycle frames. There is lots of good information about sizing bicycles and how to understand aspects of bicycle design in addition to the "how to build" info. provides the ability to purchase the new third edition.

Paterek Manual is a PDF of the first edition, which he has made available apparently because Paterek was annoyed that a Russian pirate was offering it.

One of my favorite bits so far is the guidance for the distance from the front end of the saddle to the front of the stem is "one cubit" - which is the distance from the elbow to the end of the fingers (and specific to an individual, naturally).